Southern Joint Stock Corporation
Quality according to standard: TCCS 4208-09
♦ Cleanliness (% mass) ≥ 99%
♦ Germination (% of seeds) ≥ 80%
♦ Moisture content (% weight) ≤ 8%
Characteristics: Strong growth, high disease resistance, growing year round.
The fruit is beautiful, pea-shaped, weighing 0.8-1 kg, thin shell, dark yellow flesh, thick, juicy, juicy flesh, very flexible.
Resistant to good pests and diseases, grown all year round. The fruit is 22-25 cm long, the left diameter is 6-7 cm, the shell is hard, dark green has white cotton spots, thick meat, delicious food, can withstand long distance transport.
Cultivation: 1ha requires 1-1.5kg of seeds, easy to grow. Planting land cows, making double 5m wide and planting 2 rows, trees x trees: 0.4-0.5m. Planting truss, row x: 1.6m, tree x tree: 0.5m.
Care: 1ha of the whole crop needs to apply 10-30 tons of manure, 500-1000 kg of lime, 600 kg of NPK fertilizer, 50 kg of Urea, 150 kg DAP, 100 kg of Kcl … Trimming the branch to take the wire: trim the original branch. When the 1 meter long string takes the soil to fill the wire, many of the unidentified roots help increase the flowers and fruits. Then cut off the tops, so that there are 2 stems on the platform. When the plant flowers, cut the male flowers, sweep the chalk to the bottom of the female flower to pass the fruit well.
Harvest: Harvesting time 70-75 days after sowing. Yield 12-20 tons / ha, growing trellises, collecting fruits later, higher productivity.
As hybrids, farmers should not leave seeds for the next crop.
Note: Treated seeds – Store in a cool place. Shelf-life is only valid when the packaging is intact.